A challenge for a champion procrastinator
Day 7 Challenge: For today’s challenge I want you to pick one imperfect action that you can take every day that will move you closer to the life you have envisioned. It could be 5 minutes of walking or meditation, or even just continuing the momentum of this challenge and keep writing 200 words a day on your blog. Pick that one imperfect action and write a post about why you chose the particular action and what you imagine it will be like if you do it every day for the next 30 days.
This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 7
I’m an amazing procrastinator – I used to speak to my cousin while we were both “studying” for our exams. We would both clean the oven or make pumpkin soup – now I know that this was more of a “think and sink” where information we had been jamming into our brains was being sorted in our brains. Now – I’m still pretty good at it and it’s real - proper procrastination. I do this mostly when I've got something important to do.
Facebook is my key time killer. I have recently set (and have been achieving, after a little work and a few slip ups) myself a goal to only check it once per day – anything important will get to me anyway! I also don’t check it on the weekend, along with email so I can spend time with my family that’s actually time. They are so very important, and I want them to remember me being there, not being on the phone or computer.
So, for the next thirty days
I’m going to stay away from Facebook until the evening, and then I’ll be streamlined about what I do, I may even cull who I follow!
I’m going to set up my work posts all at once using a word doc with the links in it, then I’ll post and schedule, so I don’t need to be online.
I’m going to keep it off my phone, except if I want to do a live post, but honestly, with the fun I’m having spending time with the kids, then I can’t imagine I will want to go and spend time with someone else’s life.
"with the fun I’m having spending time with the kids, then I can’t imagine I will want to go and spend time with someone else’s life."
My husband father and I had a discussion last night – we agreed that spending time on Facebook when you are in real life with other people, is telling people that you would rather spend some time with someone else!
"spending time on Facebook when you are in real life with other people, is telling people that you would rather spend some time with someone else!"
I can see that this is going to become easier as I become more and more mindful about the time I spend with my family, and I’ll enjoy time with them more and more, and I’ll be able to spend more time in a block with them, without wondering if there is anything else I “need” to do.
In terms of my business, I think this will make me much more streamlined and focussed on work and will ensure that what I provide to my amazing tribe is of value.